Model Evaluation

Layouts guide for our application.

Step 9.1: Plot Training Curves

  • Metrics Visualization: Plot the loss, binary accuracy, and subtype accuracy for both training and validation sets across all epochs.
    • Purpose: Helps understand how the model is learning and whether it is overfitting or underfitting.

      Sample Image Sample Image Sample Image

Step 9.2: Evaluate on Test Set

  • Evaluation Function: The evaluate_model() function is used to evaluate the model's performance on the test dataset.
    • Metrics: Generates a classification report and confusion matrix for both binary and subtype classification.

    • Purpose: Provides a detailed breakdown of model performance, including precision, recall, and F1-score for each class.

      Sample Image Sample Image

Step 9.3: Display Predictions

  • Display Predictions: The show_predictions() function is used to display model predictions for a few test samples.
    • Visualization: Shows the true and predicted labels for each sample.

    • Purpose: Visually verify the model's predictions and understand its performance on individual images.

      Sample Image